Cross Country (Girls V) Mount Vernon HS (Posey) Cross Country (Boys V)

MVHS Girls XC Shows Great Improvement at PAC!

By Leigh Ann Latshaw | Oct 8, 2023 9:13 AM

Returning to Prides Creek just two weeks later, the MVHS Girls XC team had high hopes. Despite not finishing higher as a team, every girl who ran the course completed it faster than the previous race. In fact, several had either season or career PRs along the way! Tell City edged out Princeton Community by 1 point for the top team award while MVHS finished in 10th. Senior Krissy Bazan led MV start to finish as she ran a career best time of 22:08. The senior cut 1 minute 52 seconds from 2 weeks ago and lowered her season-best time over a minute and half. She finished just out of reach of a top-20 ribbon crossing the line in 23rd. Just over 20 seconds behind her was Freshman Makayla Schneider who cut 4 minutes from her time at Prides Creek and over a minute from her season best time to date. She crossed the line in 29th with a career best time of 22:31. Her freshman running mate, Maddie Abel, cut over 30 seconds from her previous race on the same course and bested her season-best time by 9 seconds to set her new high school PR at 23:15 (44th). Senior Ashley Lilleston cut 36 seconds from her time 2 weeks ago as she closes in on her career PR. She ran a 24:31 in 52nd place. Rounding out MV's scoring was Sophomore Ellie Blackburn. Ellie ran a new career best time of 25:14 which beats her season and career best by about a minute and 15 seconds as she crossed in 57th place. Senior Destin Gentry cut over 25 seconds from her last race at Prides Creek to set her new career best time at 26:42. Junior Brynn Davis returned to the race line up Saturday as well. The goal for her was to finish the race as she had to withdraw from a race a few weeks ago. She has been working hard to rehab her injury. As difficult as it is to accept an injury and work through returning from it, we are proud of her for battling through it at PAC. Like the guys, these ladies have worked very hard this season! It is incredibly rewarding to see the strides they are making as they progress this season. They too will compete at the Sectional at Angel Mounds on 10/14 as part of the IHSAA tournament series. Their race is scheduled to begin at 10:30 am and tickets are $7 per person. Per the host school, tickets must be purchased online at: Once again, the MVJHS cross country team was well represented in the Middle School race as 7th grader Madison Cooper crossed the line in 17th place. Her classmate Paisley Hoehn was 56th. 8th grader Isabella Benthall was 59th; 6th grader Addie Blackburn was close behind in 62nd. Following close behind her was 8th grader Victoria Poling in 63rd. 7th grader Isla Day crossed in 66th while her classmate Elizabeth Flores was 72nd. Great work, Ladies! We are proud of you!

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