Wrestling (Boys V-1) Basketball (Boys Fr) Basketball (Boys V) Basketball (Girls V) Basketball (Boys JV) Volleyball (Girls JV) Basketball (Girls JV) Mount Vernon HS (Posey) Wrestling (Girls V) Volleyball (Girls V)
MVHS Main Gym Floor "Reveal" Set for 11/3!
By Leigh Ann Latshaw | Oct 17, 2023 5:30 PM

The Athletic Department is excited to announce that the MVHS Main Gym floor will be ready for the season opener for basketball! We are planning a "Reveal" event for the Girls Basketball home-opener scheduled for Friday, November 3, 2023. The Lady 'Cats will take on the Evansville Harrison Lady Warriors with the JV game scheduled for 6 pm. Varsity will tip at approximately 7:30 pm. This "Reveal" event will be a canned food drive sponsored by the MVHS Athletic Department. All donations will be given to the Mt. Vernon Food Pantry ahead of the holiday season. Tickets are $6 at the door, but for every can of food donated, we will knock $1 off of the ticket price. 6 cans = 1 free ticket! (We are not paying out money for donations over 6 cans per person). Please consider donating canned food to help MVHS Athletics support our local food pantry. We hope to see you on Friday, November 3! #WEAREMV