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Champions 101: You're Not an Animal
By Leigh Ann Latshaw | Nov 10, 2023 9:01 AM

November 10, 2023 You're Not an Animal There are some incredible creatures on planet earth. Leafcutter ants, for example, can lift and carry up to 50 times their own bodyweight. I’d like to see you try that. The tiny blackpoll warbler flies for three straight days, almost 2,000 miles non-stop, on its migratory trip across the Atlantic Ocean. You’re exhausted after working out for an hour. And the pileated woodpecker, known as a keynote species across North America, is responsible for work that keeps our entire ecosystem from collapsing. I doubt your absence today would have such dire consequences. It’s true, there are some incredible creatures on planet earth, and many of them can do things you and I could never do. But I want to focus today on one unique ability we do have that sets us apart from every other living thing. I want you to see and celebrate today that as human beings, we are the only species that can decide we’re not gonna be the same today as we were yesterday. The leafcutter ant isn’t capable of such a decision. Neither is the blackpoll warbler or the pileated woodpecker or any other creature on earth besides you and I. Those animals are today who they were yesterday, and they’ll be tomorrow who they are today. They’ll be doing whatever it is they’re responsible for doing - even those really important things - with the same mindless and unwitting approach as ever. We, on the other hand, have been given the unique ability to envision a better version of ourselves. We can step back, evaluate our current mindset, our current approach, or our current performance, and decide that today we want to change what we're doing - and how we're doing it - for the better. We have the potential to mindfully and intentionally improve in the areas that we recognize are important. We can step back, evaluate our current mindset, our current approach, or our current performance, and decide that today we want to change for the better. Champions in any area of life have committed themselves to turning that improvement potential into reality. There are a number of qualities and characteristics that define the champion in any area of life, but none is more obvious or important than the champion’s desire and willingness to get better. Champions have developed a dynamic level of conviction that clarifies - despite their natural ability - that they can…and should…and must keep improving. They’ve developed the self-awareness it takes to honestly evaluate their areas of weakness, and they’re committed to embracing the struggle that authentic improvement requires. Losers, on the other hand, typically take a more static approach. Losers are reluctant or resistant to change. They develop a defeatist mentality grounded in beliefs like “I am who I am” or “I’m not capable of better.” Losers are unwilling to do the uncomfortable, inconvenient but important work that becoming their best requires them to do. That approach ensures that they are today who they were yesterday, and that they’ll be tomorrow who they are today. They’ll be doing whatever it is they’re responsible for doing - even those really important things - with the same mindless and unwitting approach as ever. If you’re serious about reaching your potential, and serious about becoming someone worthy of winning today, then the message here is simple: you're not an animal. You possess the unique ability to envision a better version of yourself. You can step back, evaluate your current mindset, your current approach, or your current performance, and decide today you want to change what you're doing - or how you're doing it - for the better. You have the potential to mindfully and intentionally improve in the areas that you recognize are important. I hope today you’ll do what champions do, and commit to turning that improvement potential into reality. -Travis