Wrestling (Boys V-1) Baseball (Boys V) Basketball (Boys V) Fall Cheer (V) Swimming & Diving (Boys V) Softball (Girls V) Cross Country (Girls V) Football (Boys V) Soccer (Girls V) Basketball (Girls V) Tennis (Boys V) Unified Track & Field Tennis (Girls V) Track & Field (Girls V) Winter Cheer (V) Golf (Girls V) Swimming & Diving (Girls V) Mount Vernon HS (Posey) Track & Field (Boys V) Wrestling (Girls V) Golf (Boys V) Cross Country (Boys V) Volleyball (Girls V) Soccer (Boys V)
Need to Order a Letter Jacket or an Award Patch?
By Leigh Ann Latshaw | Jan 31, 2024 8:49 AM

Is it time to order a Mt. Vernon High School Letter Jacket or an Award Patch? You can do this online directly through Neff by following these easy steps: Go to https://mvwildcats.org Click on "Other Info" and then click on "Mt. Vernon Letter Jacket" or "Patch Builder." They have our colors and are ready for you to place your orders! Direct Link to Mt. Vernon Letter Jackets: https://www.neffjacketshop.com/BrowseCatalogs.asp?VPath=1140|1153|11318 Direct Link to Build Award Patches: https://www.neffco.com/patchbuilder