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Champions 101: Behavior, then Results
By Leigh Ann Latshaw | Jun 8, 2024 11:16 AM

Behavior, then Results One thing that’s clear about those we consider champions in any area of life is that they are committed to doing things differently. They exhibit behaviors that set them apart, that make them unique, and that ultimately make them people worthy of winning, on the playing field and in life beyond it. It’s worth stopping today to consider if your behavior meets the standard that winning requires in the areas of life that matter to you. What are those behaviors that define the champion? What is it that the best do differently than everyone else? The list is long but not particularly complicated. Champions give their very best effort. They do what needs to be done, even if it’s not comfortable or convenient. They overcome the challenges and adversity they recognize are part of any meaningful pursuit. They display a hunger to learn and a humility that drives them to keep getting better. They bring a positive, infectious energy that elevates the performance of the people around them. They are committed to competing, every single day. Champions also accept the place winning behavior has in their pursuit of success. They recognize not only that there’s a high price winning requires them to pay, but that they are required to pay that price up front. The Hall of Fame football coach Bill Walsh famously said, “Champions behave like champions before they are champions.” He was highlighting the harsh reality that winning in any area of life requires us to accept, that it’s behavior…then results. Bill Walsh recognized that the only way to get the outcome you want is to earn it. It would be easier to do what champions do if the results came first, wouldn’t it? If we could reap the reward up front, as a guarantee that the price we have to pay would be worth it. But those we consider champions haven't won and then said, “Well, now what I’ve won, I guess I better start giving my best effort. I should also start overcoming my challenges, start displaying some humility, start bringing some positive energy, and start choosing to compete.” That’s not the way it works. In every example of excellence you can find, winning behavior precedes winning results. The same is true for each of us - including you here today. If there is some important area of life where you have a desire to win, the blueprint for success begins with your behavior. I’d encourage you to take an honest look at your performance in each of these important areas, and to determine if you are paying the high price that real success requires you to pay… -Are you giving your very best effort? -Are you willing to do what needs to be done, even if it’s not comfortable or convenient? -Are you fighting to overcome the challenges and adversity that are a part of your meaningful pursuit? -Are you learning and improving? -Are you bringing the kind of positive, infectious energy that elevates the performance of the people around you? -Are you committed to competing today? Doing those things champions do doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the outcome you want, but choosing not to do them pretty much guarantees you won’t. Why? Because champions behave like champions before they are champions. That's how it works. Behavior, then results. So meet the standard that winning requires. Pay the price - willingly, up front today - and in doing so, earn the success you say you're after. -Travis